As far as cleaning time is concerned, it is always best if you can avoid unnecessary use of energy, unnecessary tasks, and unnecessary cleaning as a whole.
Below are some easy and simple rules you can follow to cut down cleaning time in half.
Never Start Cleaning Time with Floors
The moment you start cleaning any room, always begin dusting the ceilings, windows, and others. Move across the room from left to right. When you follow top to bottom and left to the right routine of cleaning, you will be able to reduce the chances of missing some spots and the debris or dust that has fallen on the floor should be cleaned last using a broom, mop, or vacuum.
Don’t Store Cleaning Supplies in the Laundry or Basement Room
Make sure that your cleaning time supplies are scattered all over the house. By keeping some of your cleaning supplies in the bathroom and having some of them in the kitchen, cleaning will be more efficient as you go and you can also clean up faster when a spill occurs or if an unexpected visitor arrives. Your cleaning time must not be a controlled time and date and instead, you should get it done any time and every time you can.
Avoid Wiping or Rinsing a Surface Before You Clean It
You shouldn’t hurry to wipe off a cleaning solution if you just finished spraying this on the counter. Be patient and take your time. Allow the cleaning solution to do its job first until has been completely cleaned under the surface. The cloth or scrub brush will feel a bit different once the grime and mess under the solution are gone. That is the only time you should wipe the surface clean. This will help you save yourself lots of cleaning energy and time scrubbing dirt that could have solved itself by leaving it alone for some time under the bubbles.
Refrain from Cleaning Areas That are Not Dirty in the First Place
This rule is not really as crazy as it sounds. You will be surprised at the amount of time spent cleaning surfaces or areas that were not dirty in the first place. For example, if you want to clean the front of your refrigerator, the first thing you think is to spray and wipe down the entire unit.
Janitorial services Dallas spot clean fingertips, polish its chrome then move on from there. This will result in a clean door but with the task completed in a shorter time. Vertical surfaces don’t get as dirty as their horizontal counterparts and spots high in the room tend to be cleaner than those on the lower part. It means that not all parts of the room require equal attention and focus when cleaning.
Cutting your cleaning time is possible if you work with the best janitorial Dallas. The expert cleaners know how to do the job efficiently and effectively without wasting any minute of your time.