Every workplace has a different approach to keep the surroundings clean. Several would hire an office cleaning company to take care of needs on a monthly, weekly or daily basis while some companies, depending on the setup, would ask staff to do the cleaning. Regardless of what arrangements to keep the office clean, a common element is that a kind of cleaning agent would be used and the cleaning agents are will be stored somewhere on premises.
As long as every cleaning chemical is handled with extra care, it is very safe. But, the problems may arise when they aren’t stored properly or they’re not utilized as directed. The chemicals could cause serious danger, so it’s crucial that everybody who could come in contact with the chemicals is knowledgeable on how to treat with these.
List of All the Chemicals on Your Workplace
A list of chemicals at a workplace must be available. Information including the chemical’s name and quantities on hand must be listed. Information pack must also include safety data sheet for every chemical. Such sheets contain important information on the ways to manage the chemicals as well as what you should do if the first aid is needed due to contact with chemicals.
Keep the Chemicals in a Safe Place
The chemicals must be kept in a safe place that’s well-ventilated, yet away from the HVAC vents. They must not be left lying in the arbitrary places for anybody to run into them yet must be stored carefully in a safe place. It is critical that they are kept away from vents so that in case of any issues, the fumes won’t affect the people in a workplace.
Never Mix the Chemicals
The chemicals must not be mixed in the same way. Several people may believe, for instance, that through combining harmless chemicals including disinfectant and bleach together to be an effective cleaning agent, no harm would come of it since they’re both harmless chemicals. This must not be done unless you’re a chemist, you won’t be aware of the possible effects of combining chemicals. Other chemicals will emit some noxious fumes once combined, which would cause serious respiratory issues and some might spew from the containers once another chemical is also added, causing some chemical burns. Such kinds of outcomes aren’t uncommon so don’t combine chemicals.
Keep the Chemicals in Their Original Containers
If the chemicals are supplied in big containers, there are times that the temptations to place some in small containers or bottles to make them much easier to handle. It must not be done and the chemicals should be kept in containers in which they’re supplied to avoid mislabeling, which is the reaction once another kind of chemical was stored in containers previously among some effects.
With a chemical storage that is well-managed and staff who are trained in handling chemicals or knowing what actions should be taken, everyone will be able to aware of the possible dangers and avoid problems in the long run.